And now for UX Focused Writing…
Do I use User Experience (UX) focused writing as an Instructional Designer? Yes and I use it in spades. But first let me explain what User Experience is. It is…
FREE ID Checklist
Here is a FREE ID checklist that you can use when beginning a project. I use this checklist all the time! Download checklist
Why I love ADDIE
Now you might say to yourself – isn’t this instructional model outdated? Well, no, it’s the cornerstone for creating effective instructional content. Wait. What? For those unfamiliar with this model,…
Backwards Design
Backwards design is a popular approach to instructional design that involves starting with the end goal in mind and working backwards to create a learning experience that is focused on…
What courses should I take to become an ID?
This is a question that I get asked about two times a week and it usually follows with “how did you become an ID”? Well, I sort of fell into…
Overcoming the Emotional Barriers in Online Education
Congratulations! You’ve been asked to create your first online course! Online teaching has become not only super important (to our students and to anyone being taught locally and abroad), but…